English Curry
July 11, 2014
H. C. Kim
Lean hamburger – 1 lb
Carrots – 2 cups*
Onions – 2 cups*
Curry powder – 1/4 cup
Cider vinegar – ½ cup
Sugar – 2 Tbsp
Sea salt – to taste
Cayenne pepper – 1 Tbsp
Raisins/currants – ½ cup
*chopped in same amount as the meat
In a large frying pan or wok fry the meat* (if starting from scratch) till brown. Add salt to taste (sea salt is more nourishing). Add onions and carrots.
Cook in medium heat. Add raisins when the vegetables are soft.
Mix curry powder and some cayenne pepper with apple cider vinegar and some water. Add this mixture when the raisins are soft. Add some sugar or equal (or Stevia in white powder form). Serve on hot rice (with optional egg dropped on hot rice and mixed).
*If you use left-over meat as I do, cook the vegetables first and add the meat later. The rest is the same as outlined above.
If using an uncooked chicken the laziest method is to wash the chicken and boil it first (without the giblets) until nearly done. Then remove the chicken and skin and bone it and put the cut or torn bits of meat back into the pot. Then add the vegetables and cook until they are soft.
Follow the same procedure as above.
For variation add bits of freshly chopped ginger which has a medicinal value. And some garlic. Cayenne is also beneficial.
I have seldom started from scratch lately. I use left-over roast beef usually. When you use hamburger be sure to drain all the fat as far as possible. Otherwise it is too oily and unwholesome, though it will still taste OK.
The degree of pungency is adjustable according to the cook’s and guests’ tastes.
(In Eugene I once served my left-over curry to Ray and Elaine and the latter raved about it. She said she had never had anything so delicious!)